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National / Daily Infographic

How To Keep Baking But Cut The Calories

Im a keen baker. I have a sweet tooth, as many home bakers do, but I dont specifically adore baked goods all that much. Id actually rather have chocolates or ice cream than cake or cookies in most cases. Yet, the process of baking itself is deeply soothing: mixing ingredients, grating, whisking, lovingly combining, and [] The post How To Keep Baking But Cut The Calories first appeared on Daily Infographic .

30 Apr 2024 3:30 pm
How Imposter Syndrome Costs You Money

Impostor syndrome is something that anyone can experience. Whether its just occasionally or every day, its a feeling of self-doubt that can have serious effects on many aspects of your life. Sure, doubting yourself can be normal and happens to everyone from time to time. However, when its a nagging feeling of being unqualified for [] The post How Imposter Syndrome Costs You Money first appeared on Daily Infographic .

26 Apr 2024 3:30 pm
Set Your Creativity Ablaze! 7 Ways to Generate New Ideas

Coming up with great ideas is the easiest part of being creative. Where the real challenge resides is in being creative in a consistent manner. Do you know how to develop the habits that will allow you to be creative and come up with fantastic ideas? The first thing you have to do is to [] The post Set Your Creativity Ablaze! 7 Ways to Generate New Ideas first appeared on Daily Infographic .

25 Apr 2024 5:30 pm
The Most Addictive Foods As Ranked By Science!

If youve ever wondered why you cant stop eating pizza, science has an answer for you : dopamine. The feel good chemical thats released in the brain is a big part of what makes certain foods so addictive. But according to a new study from the University of Michigan, pizza is the most addictive food! [] The post The Most Addictive Foods As Ranked By Science! first appeared on Daily Infographic .

24 Apr 2024 4:45 pm
15(ish) Things Worth Knowing About Coffee

Coffee, coffee, coffee! Thats pretty much all that runs through my mind in the morning. That and the best way to avoid people before I have had my daily dosage of caffeine (for their own safety). But what do we really know about the brown liquid that so many of us consume? Where did it [] The post 15(ish) Things Worth Knowing About Coffee first appeared on Daily Infographic .

22 Apr 2024 3:30 pm
How Art Is Becoming An Algorithm

Can art be reduced to merely an equation? My initial thought is of course not art is about expressing your internal emotions, not about plugging numbers into an algorithm. However, just as Artificial Intelligence is taking over the tech sphere, its changing the way we think about art as well. Instead of using pencils or [] The post How Art Is Becoming An Algorithm first appeared on Daily Infographic .

19 Apr 2024 4:30 pm
Surprising Star Wars Quotes That You Can Use Daily

No one can deny the influence Star Wars has had on film and TV across the world. However, the intergalactic series can sometimes be harder to apply to everyday lifeuntil you take a closer look at the wisdom that some Star Wars characters have shared within the films. Theres wisdom to be found wherever you [] The post Surprising Star Wars Quotes That You Can Use Daily first appeared on Daily Infographic .

17 Apr 2024 5:30 pm
9 Super Habits To Save Money

We live in a consumer society. At every step, we are bombarded with ads and an unreasonably high diversity of products. Do we really need 25 different options of soap? Most of the items that you see on supermarket shelves are there to instigate your buyers itch. They call to you, speak to your ear [] The post 9 Super Habits To Save Money first appeared on Daily Infographic .

16 Apr 2024 3:30 pm
A History Of Amazing American Nurses

Nurses are often the unsung heroes of the medical world, and just as doctors tend to get more public credit in their day to day work, many famous nursing pioneers areoverlooked by history books. Here are a few inspirational nurses you may not have heard about. Nurses do some amazing things for our society- no [] The post A History Of Amazing American Nurses first appeared on Daily Infographic .

15 Apr 2024 3:30 pm
The Incredible Pigeon

What started as a curious joke, led me to discover some pretty fascinating subcultures in pigeon racing and pigeon fancying, all of which are at a risk of disappearing due to a lack of interest from younger people. The post The Incredible Pigeon first appeared on Daily Infographic .

29 Mar 2024 3:50 pm
Meet A Wild AnimalAnd Live To Tell The Tale

The idea of coming across a wild animal is petrifying in the most basic sense of the word. Most people would freeze and turn to stone in their terror, unable to move or think of the right reaction. Thats why it pays to memorize a few strategies (which youll hopefully never need) but which could [] The post Meet A Wild AnimalAnd Live To Tell The Tale first appeared on Daily Infographic .

28 Mar 2024 4:30 pm
A Timeline Of What Happens To Your Body When You Quit Smoking

What Happens To Your Body When You Quit Smoking? The process of quitting smoking can be very challenging. Many people stick with it and eventually manage to kick the habit completely. If youre looking to quit smoking and wondering what will happen, this infographic provides a timeline of what happens to your body when you [] The post A Timeline Of What Happens To Your Body When You Quit Smoking first appeared on Daily Infographic .

27 Mar 2024 4:45 pm
50 Ways To Relax Without Spending Any Money

Compared to previous generations, we have a wealth of information at our fingertips, but there is no doubt that we have developed some bad habits as well. Stressin particular has a huge impact on our bodies and health, and being on our phones all the time cant help. Regardless of your background, both your home [] The post 50 Ways To Relax Without Spending Any Money first appeared on Daily Infographic .

26 Mar 2024 4:30 pm
How To Choose Dog Breeds For Apartment Living

Do you want a dog, but worry about how your pooch will adapt to apartment living? Choose an apartment dog breed, and you wont have to stress.There are plenty of breeds that are just fine with watching Netflix while youre at work. If youre lucky, you might even get a couple of tail wags when [] The post How To Choose Dog Breeds For Apartment Living first appeared on Daily Infographic .

25 Mar 2024 5:30 pm
Bees vs. Wasps: Who Brings The Sting?

Fun fact: Ive never been stung by a bee. Ionce stepped in a fire ant pile as a kid, and that was awful, but Ive avoided stinging insects. Everyone isntso lucky, though. If you getstung by a wasp, hornet or bee, heres how to tell the difference between the buggers. Honeybees feed on pollen and [] The post Bees vs. Wasps: Who Brings The Sting? first appeared on Daily Infographic .

21 Mar 2024 5:30 pm
14 Ways To Get Into A Groove At Work

Everyone can feel unmotivated at times, but whats important is being able to pull yourself out of a slump of tiredness or procrastination. There are simple, science-backed tips you can try right now that will help you get motivated to start working. Tell Yourself Youre Starting Anew Its a new day, a new hour, heck, [] The post 14 Ways To Get Into A Groove At Work first appeared on Daily Infographic .

20 Mar 2024 5:30 pm
15 Amazing Aromatherapy Scents For Every Occasion

Aromatherapy and essential oils have made a huge resurgence in recent years. Heres some of the most popular scents to try out Lavender When it comes to calming effects, few essential oils can match the prowess of lavender. Known for its soothing and relaxing properties, lavender is often the go-to scent in aromatherapy for stress [] The post 15 Amazing Aromatherapy Scents For Every Occasion first appeared on Daily Infographic .

19 Mar 2024 3:30 pm
The Crazy Science Behind The Golf Ball

Its more than just a ball The golf ball has been intensively innovated on over the last few centuries to produce incredible results. Why do Golf Balls Have Dimples? Ever picked up a golf ball and wondered about those tiny dimples covering its surface? It turns out, those little indentations typically numbering between 350 [] The post The Crazy Science Behind The Golf Ball first appeared on Daily Infographic .

18 Mar 2024 5:30 pm
How To Get A Good Nights Sleep With Your Cat

It is believed that cats have lived with humans for around 12,000 years. In Ancient Egypt, cats were revered and treasured. Today, cats are still the most popular pets on Earth, outnumbering dogs by a factor of three to one. 25% of US homes have a cat as a pet according to the American Veterinary [] The post How To Get A Good Nights Sleep With Your Cat first appeared on Daily Infographic .

15 Mar 2024 5:30 pm
20 Plants Youll Need In The Apocalypse

Heres what to grow in a survival situation Thriving on Potatoes: The Ultimate Survival Crop Ever wondered why potatoes feature prominently in survival movies? Its not just Hollywood drama! Potatoes are a nutrient-rich, calorie-dense crop thats easy to grow and store. A single acre of potatoes can yield up to 20,000 pounds1! Thats a lot [] The post 20 Plants Youll Need In The Apocalypse first appeared on Daily Infographic .

13 Mar 2024 5:30 pm
32 Bizarre Creatures Hidden Deep in the Sea World

The discoveries we have made in the deep sea are even more shocking than you might realize Megamouth Shark The Megamouth Shark is one of the seas most enigmatic creatures. Accidentally discovered in 1976, it remains one of the least understood marine animals due to its deep-sea dwelling habits. Its name is derived from its [] The post 32 Bizarre Creatures Hidden Deep in the Sea World first appeared on Daily Infographic .

12 Mar 2024 5:30 pm
A Bartenders Guide To Drink Glasses

Drinking glasses are more than just vessels for our favorite beverages. They can enhance the flavor of the drink, influence its temperature, and even add a dash of sophistication to our drinking experience. However, in the world of drinkware, one size doesnt fit all. Lets dive into the specifics. A Guide to Drink Glasses Red [] The post A Bartenders Guide To Drink Glasses first appeared on Daily Infographic .

11 Mar 2024 4:30 pm
The Many Benefits of a Daily Sauna

Looking to lose weight, combat stress, regulate your hormones, sleep better, or improve your memory? A sauna is your ticket to all of the above. Your Secret Weapon for Enhanced Athletic Performance If youre anything like me, you start sweating at the mere thought of heat. So, the idea of voluntarily stepping into a wooden [] The post The Many Benefits of a Daily Sauna first appeared on Daily Infographic .

8 Mar 2024 5:30 pm
The Great Barrier Reef Is Bigger Than You Thought

The great barrier reef is the largest living reef in the world. The size of 70 million football fields, youd be able to see the barrier reef if you were standing on the moon. Theres so much more to explore beyond the limits of human reach. So, keep diving into knowledge and exploring the wonders [] The post The Great Barrier Reef Is Bigger Than You Thought first appeared on Daily Infographic .

7 Mar 2024 5:30 pm
How Deep Can We Dive? Exploring the Ocean

Ever caught yourself daydreaming about the mysteries that lie beneath the surface of the ocean? Its not only a great place to splash around on a sunny day, but also a world full of wonders waiting to be discovered. Lets dive into the depths of the ocean. How Deep do Scuba Divers Go? For scuba [] The post How Deep Can We Dive? Exploring the Ocean first appeared on Daily Infographic .

6 Mar 2024 5:30 pm
How Michelin Stars Work

Have you ever eaten at a Michelin restaurant? This prestigious award is reserved only for the best of the best in the industry. Do you know how it works? The Unexpected Origin of Michelin Stars You might be wondering how a tire company came to be the authority on fine dining. The roots of the [] The post How Michelin Stars Work first appeared on Daily Infographic .

5 Mar 2024 6:30 pm
The Ultimate Marathon Bucket List

Running a marathon is one of the ultimate tests of endurance. These events can push the human body to its very limits. Todays infographic will focus on the topic of marathons, and, more specifically, the seven most notable ones from around the world. The infographic includes information (number of entrants/finishers, the nationality of the fastest [] The post The Ultimate Marathon Bucket List first appeared on Daily Infographic .

4 Mar 2024 6:30 pm