Resource For News Sources:
- Share with us your news feeds - RSS or XML, etc.
- Your feeds would be added to one or more menu or sub-menu.
- Feeds can be both Public, Private and Custom or specially created ones.
- Questions on how to do this ? let us know.
- Your CMS (content management system) structure will let you do this easily.
- We suggest including a picture for the best engagement.
- The RSS feed can contain either short description or full news.
- We are happy to explore options that would give your products & websites maximum benefit.
- We are happy to discuss other proposals and suggestions.
- In today's era of over abundance of and exploding amount of all types of media content, our system and approach makes content discovery structured and easy. In addition, users can bookmark the pages to come back directly.
- You would get benefit from our traffic. Traffic coming to our websites finally ends up on your websites to read full news.
- For more details, please see this presentation - Content Association with News Sources
VBM Werindia Media Private Limited
No. 202, Nritya No. 16
18th Cross, Malleswaram
Bangalore - 56055, INDIA.
Mobile number:(+91) 7696043040 - Email :
- Email :
- Skype : Werindia