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Mangalore News

Mangalore / rapidleaks

How Can Stock Market Apps Help in Your Investment Journey?

In todays world, technology and investing have come together to create an incredible revolution putting the stock market right in your pocket. This shift is changing the customer experience in the investment sector. Just as we now shop and bank online, investing has also gone digital. More people in India are turning to online platforms

21 Jun 2024 6:42 pm
Restricted Foods For Pregnant Women : Foods To Avoid When Pregnant

Pregnancy is a very special period for every woman and during this period what a woman eats becomes very crucial for her as it directly reflects on the fetus health and growth. A pregnant woman has to be aware of her food intake because there are some foods which can interfere or can disturb her

18 Jun 2024 4:39 pm
Miraculous Water: Benefits of Fenugreek Water

Fenugreek water is popularly recommended by doctors especially by ayurvedic , alternative science physicians, nutritionists, and dieticians all over the world for its miraculous health benefits. Fenugreek water is simply water obtained from soaking dry fenugreek seeds overnight. Not surprising, that fenugreek or methi seed water is a potent health booster and helps in aiding

28 May 2024 4:39 pm
Time To Boost Your Vitamin C Levels: Highest Vitamin C Foods List

Food is a natural way to repair and renew the body without the help of any external aid. This is commonly known as body defense power or immunity, and food nutrients that help in this process are called vitamins and minerals. So, we are here to discuss a one-star vitamin that is essential for immunity

23 May 2024 4:05 pm
Summers Magical Concoction: Benefits of Aam Panna and How to Make

In the scorchingsummersheatwe all are seekingforsomething to drinkwhich isrefreshing and rejuvenating. The most common drink to beat the heat is surely the Aam Panna. Made from raw mangoes, aam panna is surely the drink of the season for many reasons. Today, we are going to unfold the Aam Panna benefits for you so that you

21 May 2024 5:58 pm