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Mangalore News

Mangalore / Dynasty Crooks

Why do we remember Nehru differently from how other countries remember their leaders?

A lightly edited version of this article appeared in News18 here. Who founded NASA? This is one of my favorite questions to ask. Not because the answer is particularly interesting. But because of the nature of the question. Do Americans remember Eisenhowers vision each time NASA makes a big discovery? Now think about ISRO. Our Continue reading Why do we remember Nehru differently from how other countries remember theirleaders?

13 Sep 2024 11:49 am
The 6.5 trillion dollar Modi surplus and the UPAs 2.5 trillion dollar deficit

This article appeared in the Statesman here, and a Hindi translation appeared in Punjab Kesari here Has the Modi government lifted Indias economic fortunes during its ten years in office? We know that India has become the fifth largest economy. Most people agree that India would become the third largest economy by 2026 or 2027. Continue reading The 6.5 trillion dollar Modi surplus and the UPAs 2.5 trillion dollardeficit

5 Sep 2024 6:22 am
Bangladesh : Why the idea of the glorious student protester is misguided

A lightly edited version of this article, written with Vijita Singh Aggarwal, appeared in Firstposthere. What is next for Bangladesh after the coup against Sheikh Hasina? We do not know. But many in the media say that great things are about to happen. As for the attacks against Hindus in Bangladesh, liberals have gone to Continue reading Bangladesh : Why the idea of the glorious student protester ismisguided

12 Aug 2024 8:14 pm
How India lost 11 trillion dollars to failed economic policies of the past

An edited version of this article, written with Karuna Gopal, appeared on NDTVhere. Since independence day is near, it is time to take stock of our country. This year, the world economy is expected to grow at 3.2 percent. But India is expected to grow at 7 percent, which is over twice as fast. We Continue reading How India lost 11 trillion dollars to failed economic policies of thepast

7 Aug 2024 8:19 am
India has gone from a nation of savers to a nation of investors

An edited and shortened version of this article, written with Karuna Gopal, appeared in The New Indian Expresshere. The latest budget has just come out. That means each of us gets to complain about whatever is most important to us. And to go on the internet to watch others do the exact same thing. This Continue reading India has gone from a nation of savers to a nation ofinvestors

1 Aug 2024 6:58 pm
From America to the Balkans: A history of the 20 year old assassin

A lightly edited version of this article, written with Karuna Gopal, appeared on Firstposthere. Thomas Matthew Crooks, the man who tried to shoot Donald Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania, was 20 years old. Thankfully, the former President survived the attack. We know that nobody in the US establishment likes Donald Trump. Nobody knows how Continue reading From America to the Balkans: A history of the 20 year oldassassin

18 Jul 2024 3:51 pm
With his role in the emergence of Austria, did Nehru help whitewash crimes of Nazism?

A lightly edited version of this article, written with Karuna Gopal, appeared on Firstposthere. It seems that the Congress party is bitter about Prime Minister Modi. Somehow this bitterness seems to increase whenever the Prime Minister goes abroad. Now in his third term, the Prime Minister has just returned from a trip to Austria. And Continue reading With his role in the emergence of Austria, did Nehru help whitewash crimes ofNazism?

17 Jul 2024 2:42 am
How Narendra Modi has made electoral history

An edited version of this article, written with Karuna Gopal, appeared on News18 here. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is back for a third term. No Prime Minister has managed such a thing since 1962. How big is this? What does it mean for the BJP? What does it mean for the Congress and the Nehru-Gandhi Continue reading How Narendra Modi has made electoralhistory

30 Jun 2024 8:37 am
The Nazi roots of the Emergency in India, and the legacy of hard socialism

A lightly edited version of this article, written jointly with Karuna Gopal, appeared on News18here. How many Indians were murdered by the government during the Emergency? If you have never heard this question before, you should wonder why. The answer is two thousand men. They were kidnapped randomly, from trains, from the fields, anywhere. Sometimes, Continue reading The Nazi roots of the Emergency in India, and the legacy of hardsocialism

22 May 2024 7:08 pm