Tips to Sleep Better with a Bedtime Routine

Dec 13 ,2023
Tips to Sleep Better

Sleep is a cornerstone of good health, yet many struggle to get enough rest each night. Creating a bedtime routine is the first step to improving your sleep and overall health and well-being. We’ll explore tips for creating a bedtime routine to sleep better.

The Importance of a Bedtime Routine

A bedtime routine is more than just a way to wind down at the end of the day. It’s a series of activities that signal to your body and mind that it’s time to rest. This routine helps regulate your body’s internal clock, or circadian rhythm, which controls your sleep-wake cycle. Consistency in your bedtime routine can make falling and staying asleep easier, leading to more restful nights.

Setting the Stage for Sleep 

1. Dim the Lights

An hour before bed, dim the lights in your home. It helps stimulate the production of melatonin, a hormone that promotes sleep.

2. Lower the Temperature

A cooler room, typically 60-67 degrees Fahrenheit, is ideal for sleep. It helps lower your body temperature, a necessary step for falling asleep.

3. Create a Relaxing Environment

Ensure your bedroom is quiet, dark, and comfortable. Consider using blackout curtains, white noise machines, or earplugs if necessary.

Engaging in Relaxing Activities 

1. Read a Book

Reading a physical book under soft lighting can be a great way to relax your mind.

2. Practice Mindfulness or Meditation

Mindfulness exercises can help calm your mind and drift off to sleep.

3. Gentle Stretching or Yoga

Physical activities like stretching or yoga can relieve physical tension and prepare your body for rest.

Limiting Stimulants and Stress

1. Avoid Caffeine and Heavy Meals

Avoid consuming caffeine or heavy meals at least three hours before bedtime. This food can disrupt your ability to fall asleep.

2. Disconnect from Electronics

Turn off electronic devices an hour before bed. The blue light from devices can decrease melatonin production.

3. Resolve Worries

Copy with stressors earlier in the day. If you find your mind racing at bedtime, keep a journal to write down thoughts or planning tasks for the next day.

Creating Consistency

1. Stick to a Schedule

Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This regularity strengthens your body’s sleep-wake cycle.

2. Pre-Sleep Ritual

Develop a ritual like bathing or listening to calming music. This ritual acts as a signal to your body that it’s time to wind down.

3. Be Patient

It can take time for a new routine to become effective. Be patient and make adjustments as needed.

Sleep Aid Supplements

Alongside your bedtime routine, certain natural supplements can further enhance sleep quality. Here’s how to integrate them effectively:

1. Melatonin

This naturally occurring hormone helps regulate your sleep-wake cycle. Taking a supplement 30 minutes before bed can assist in signaling your body that it’s time to sleep, which is especially useful for those with irregular sleep schedules or experiencing jet lag.

2. CBD (Cannabidiol)

CBD is known for its relaxing properties without the effects of high associated with THC. CBD oil or gummies designed for sleep before bedtime can help reduce stress, promote relaxation, and fall asleep quicker.

3. Chamomile

A traditional remedy for insomnia, chamomile is often consumed as an herbal tea. Its calming effects can soothe the nervous system, making it a perfect drink to incorporate into your nightly routine. Enjoy a cup of chamomile tea about an hour before bed for optimal results.

4. Lemon Balm

This herb, often used in aromatherapy, can be taken as a tea or capsule form. Studies show that lemon balm can help improve sleep quality by promoting calmness and reducing stress. Including it in your routine can help you unwind and prepare for a restful night.


Establishing a bedtime routine is a practical and effective way to improve sleep quality. It involves preparing your environment, relaxing, limiting stress, complementing sleep aid supplements like CBD oil, and maintaining consistency. Following these steps, you will create an atmosphere for restful sleep and improve health and quality of life. Remember that a successful bedtime routine is in its consistency. Sweet dreams!

Michael Levin is a CBD enthusiast, a researcher, writer and editor in the cannabis space, experienced CBD user and educator. He believes CBD can help improve our overall health and wellbeing.

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