How to Navigate International Tech Trends That Affect India |

How to Navigate International Tech Trends That Affect India

Internet of things

India is, in many ways, at the center of the world in terms of technology. With Amazon’s largest office in the world in Hyderabad and Bangalore being an important center for tech companies, India is both affected by and producer of the newest trends in technology.

Whether you are a startup looking to break into the market or an everyday user of digital devices in India, it is good to know how these trends will affect you and how you can make the most out of these opportunities.

Increased Partnership with the United Kingdom

In recent years, the United Kingdom and India have been steadily increasing their official tech partnerships. In October 2021, then British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss carried out 60 million pounds worth of technology infrastructure agreements with India. The UK-India Business Council (UKIBC) recently published a paper entitled ‘Enabling Data Transfers for India-UK Digital Trade.’ 

Given this growing partnership, it is a good idea to keep an eye on what is coming out of the United Kingdom in terms of technology. This means focusing both on the research and development out of major universities, and what users in the United Kingdom are demanding. It is a good idea to look at creative uses of technology that are popular in England.

A growing hobby among the Brits is live online betting, so you can check out the best live casinos available online in the UK. Live casinos bring the real casino atmosphere to life by bringing a live dealer to your computer screen. These live casinos come with lots of perks including being able to access it from your smartphone and playing online against professional live dealers. This is a great place to go to see advanced technology coming out of the UK.

The Metaverse in India

The Metaverse became a household term when Facebook changed its name to Meta, as a signal that it would be going all in with this new technology. Since then, Meta has suffered accusations and some unfavorable press. Their name change, nonetheless, marked the beginning of a new era in internet technology.

The Metaverse is an immersive technology that is created using virtual and augmented reality. And India is well poised to make the most of it. The country has laid out its National Strategy on Blockchain, which is the technology underlying the Metaverse. The country is also testing out quantum communication technology and working on the Central Bank Digital Currency.

The 5G Network Is Coming to India

The 5G network promises to deliver faster internet speeds. However, this will mean more than simply sending videos a little bit faster. The 5G network will allow for whole new technologies to be viable in a comfortable and dynamic way.

This has been arriving to countries like the United Kingdom for some time now, but it has only recently arrived to a select few cities in India. Bharti Airtel and Reliance Jio were the first two to launch 5G just this October in cities such as Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi, Kolkata, and Varanasi.

The 5G network is expected to provide up to ten times the download speed of the 4G network. Existing SIMS will also work with the 5G network. The 5G network will make multiplayer cloud gaming, shopping with augmented reality, and real-time video translation much more enjoyable and feasible. Expect growth in these areas.

The Internet of Things

The Internet of Things is the name given to the interconnection of physical objects that are embedded with sensors, electronics and software. This covers everything from our dishwashers and microwaves to urban sanitation systems and water treatment plants. By the year 2025, it is expected that there will be 22 billion devices connected to the Internet of Things.

In 2016, the Indian government started the 100 smart cities initiative. The project is set to run through 2024, and they will really be getting into full swing as they are taking advantage of the new 5G network. This is already changing everything in many cities, including traffic management, smart street lights, and a more efficient use of energy from solar panels. Understanding this sort of technology will help you be a better citizen and also design the best software for your city.

Image Credit: Imagen de Gerd Altmann en Pixabay (Source)

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