Why is Choosing the Right IDV Important When Renewing Bike Insurance? |

Why is Choosing the Right IDV Important When Renewing Bike Insurance?

Bike Insurance

Renewing your bike insurance is more than routine; it is crucial to ensuring financial protection. One key factor to consider during this process is the Insured Declared Value (IDV), which significantly determines your coverage.

Understanding the importance of choosing the right IDV can make a substantial difference in the level of protection you receive. Explore why selecting the correct IDV is paramount during your bike insurance renewal.

What is IDV?

The Insured Declared Value (IDV) is the maximum sum insured amount an insurer agrees to pay in case of total loss or theft of your bike during the policy period. It represents the current market value of your bike after factoring in depreciation.

IDV is the basis for determining the premium amount and the compensation you receive in the event of damage or loss, making it a critical aspect of bike insurance coverage.

How IDV in Bike Insurance Works?

IDV in bike insurance is calculated based on factors such as the age of your bike, its make and model, and depreciation. Typically, IDV is determined by considering the manufacturer’s listed selling price of the bike at the time of purchase, adjusted for depreciation based on its age.

The depreciation rate varies for different bike models and ages. Generally, as the bike ages, its IDV decreases due to higher depreciation. Understanding how IDV is calculated helps ensure you choose the right coverage level when renewing your bike insurance policy.

IDV = Selling Price – Depreciation Value

When Can You Choose the IDV?

During your bike insurance policy renewal, you can choose or customise the Insured Declared Value (IDV) to suit your requirements. This allows you to adjust the coverage level based on your bike’s age, market value, and depreciation rate.

Choosing the right IDV ensures that you receive adequate compensation in case of theft or damage to your bike, providing peace of mind during your rides.

Is it a Good Idea to Choose the Maximum IDV?

While opting for the maximum Insured Declared Value (IDV) is beneficial as it provides higher coverage in case of total loss or damage, it is essential to weigh the associated costs.

While a higher IDV offers excellent financial protection, it also increases premium costs. Therefore, consider your budget constraints and the actual market value of your bike before deciding on the maximum IDV. Balancing coverage benefits with premium affordability ensures a suitable insurance plan for your bike.

Depreciation Rates in Bike Insurance

Depreciation in bike insurance refers to the reduction in the bike’s value over time due to factors like wear and tear, age, and usage. This depreciation directly impacts the Insured Declared Value (IDV) of the bike, as IDV is calculated based on the bike’s market value, considering depreciation.

During claim settlements, insurers factor in depreciation to determine the payout amount, which may result in lower compensation than the bike’s original value.

Here is a table showing the depreciation percentage as per the Indian Motor Tariff: 

Age of the Two-wheelerDepreciation Rate (in percentage)
Less than 6 months5%
6 months to 1 year15%
1 year to 2 years20%
2 years to 3 years30%
3 years to 4 years40%
4 years to 5 years50%

How Does IDV Help at the Time of Claim?

Selecting the appropriate Insured Declared Value (IDV) ensures sufficient coverage during claim settlements. Opting for a higher IDV means a higher claim payout in the event of theft, total loss, or damage beyond repair. Conversely, a lower IDV may result in under-compensation.

Policyholders can mitigate financial losses during accidents or theft by accurately assessing the bike’s value and choosing an IDV that reflects its true worth. Thus, selecting the right IDV enhances the effectiveness of bike insurance and provides peace of mind during challenging situations.

What if the Insurer Does Not Allow You to Select the Customised IDV?

If your insurer does not offer the option to customise IDV, it is essential to explore other insurance providers that provide this flexibility. Conduct thorough research to identify insurers that allow policyholders to tailor the IDV based on their bike’s value and requirements.

Look for reputable companies known for their customer-centric approach and transparent policies. By selecting an insurer offering customised IDV options, you can ensure that your bike insurance coverage aligns with your specific needs and provides adequate protection in case of unfortunate events.

Why Buying Online is a Better Idea?

Buying bike insurance online offers several advantages, making it a preferred choice for many policyholders. One significant benefit is the convenience of customising IDV according to your preferences and budget.

Online platforms also provide easy access to multiple insurers, allowing you to compare quotes and coverage options effortlessly. The online purchasing process is also streamlined and time-saving, eliminating the need for extensive paperwork and lengthy procedures.


Choosing the correct IDV during bike insurance renewal is crucial for comprehensive coverage and assurance while riding. By understanding the significance of IDV and its impact on claim settlements, you can make informed choices to protect your bike and finances effectively. Select the IDV that aligns with your needs and priorities for a worry-free riding experience.

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