Intraday Trading Tips for Beginners – The Ultimate Guide |

Intraday Trading Tips for Beginners – The Ultimate Guide

Trading Tips

Intraday trade is indeed as it sounds just like getting in and out of stocks lightening quickly before the trading day ends. Some traders focus entirely on pursuing those intraday price fluctuations hoping to profit rapidly from the minute-by-minute ebbs and movements of the markets. In theory, it may seem simple enough. 

Profit from it and be home for supper. Still, you shouldn’t be misled; this requires real ability. To even have a chance, you actually must have a thorough awareness of the fundamental workings of the market. It’s a fast changing terrain as well, which presents additional difficulty—particularly for beginners. 

Based on current data or news, price swings can whipsaw on a dime. Remain alert; else, you could as well be trading blindly.

Still, we’ve got your back covered, so relax. Think of this as your intraday trading boot camp survival handbook. 

Closing Positions Before Market Close

Ah yes, the thrill of intraday trading! It’s like a rollercoaster ride that starts fresh every single morning and has to end with you safely strapped back in before the market coaster comes to a full stop at night. 

No sleeping over and letting your positions ride through the night – that’s just asking for trouble. See, when those market gates slam shut for the evening, all kinds of wacky stuff can go down behind the scenes. Shocking headlines, economic curveballs, you name it. 

The kind of out-of-left-field events that could send share prices into total chaos by the time the opening bell rings again. Now, if you’re still holding positions when that happens? Bam! You could get taken for an absolute ride against your will. 

One minute you’re feeling good about your trades, the next you’re down tremendously thanks to some random overnight madness beyond your control. That’s why smart intraday traders live by one rule: get in and get out before the janitors start turning off the lights on Wall Street.

Primary Goal: Leveraging Small Price Changes

The primary aim of Intraday trading is to profit from small price movements in highly liquid stocks or indices. In contrast to long-term investments, which often seek to benefit from a general rise in the market or stock with time, intraday trading focuses on the smaller and frequent price changes that occur within a single trading day.

This requires a deep understanding of market drivers and the ability to execute trades swiftly and accurately. In a nutshell; It’s all about having a sniper’s focus on what’s really driving those minute-by-minute price gyrations in the hot momentum plays. Newsflashes, analyst upgrades, big money flowing in or out – whatever it is, you’ve got to be locked and loaded to punch those orders in with split-second timing.

The Importance of Liquidity and Volatility


You’re absolutely right to be wondering – how can you realistically squeeze profits out of a single trading day? The key word here is liquidity, my friend. Intraday traders aren’t messing around with those thinly-traded penny stock duds. Nope, we’re going after the heavy hitters that have an ocean of buyers and sellers actively sloshing around. Think about it – if a stock doesn’t have enough liquidity, you’re basically stuck. 

Try to make a momentum play and your big order ends up pushing the price way out of whack before you can even get a decent fill. That’s why intraday gunners typically target the big boy stocks and indices where the action is hopping: the Apple, Amazon, Netflix type names that have traders circling like sharks 24/7.  

Intraday traders also aim for the major indices like the S&P 500 or Nasdaq that get swapped billions of times a day by funds and institutions. With that level of volume and buyer/seller interest, you can punch in and out with quick speed while barely causing a blip.


To understand the importance of volatility for intraday traders, it is important to understand what this term means in the financial market. If the price of an asset experiences rapid fluctuations, it can be referred to as a highly volatile asset. As such, higher volatility can lead to greater potential profits because prices change more dramatically within a single day. 

However, make no mistake, that’s a razor’s edge we’re talking about. While volatility amplifies our profit potential to the extremes, it can also be heavily detrimental if we don’t strike the right risk and reward balance. Therefore, successful intraday trading requires focus, continuous learning while balancing the potential for profit with the inherent risks of volatile markets.

Essential Intraday Trading Tips

1. Make sure you have a solid trading plan

Just as travelers need their roadmaps, intraday traders need their solid plans. A well-defined plan reduces the risk of making emotionally driven decisions. Based on that, intraday traders should dedicate extra time in working on their plan, which should clearly detail their trading goals, risk appetite, preferred trading strategies, and criteria for entering and exiting positions.

2. Begin with a Demo Account

Before getting into real trading, intraday traders can test their strategies and practice their skills via a demo account. Many brokers provide demo accounts where traders can experience the financial market using virtual money, thus eliminating the risk of losing capital. With a demo account, traders can familiarize themselves with various platforms and their features. 

3. Focus on a Few Stocks

Instead of biting off more than you can chew by trying to juggle a massive diversified portfolio, keep it simple. Zoom in on just a handful of stocks to really get to know their quirks and patterns.

However, it’s not just any old stocks – we’re looking for the highly liquid ones here. WIth such stocks, you can buy and sell without issues. 

4. Apply Technical Analysis

To know how the market is performing, traders utilize technical analysis. From studying the various charts to using indicators and predicting future changes, technical analysis provides investors with important data for making a well-informed decision. Common indicators include moving averages, relative strength index (RSI), Bollinger Bands. 

It’s like being a market psychic, using all those signs and signals to predict where prices might be headed next. Learn how to read those indicators properly, and you’ll level up your trading game for sure. You’ll be making more well-informed, calculated moves instead of just winging it blind and hoping for the best. Less scary than a ouija board, but infinitely more rewarding when you get it right!

5. Set Feasible Targets

Intraday traders should set both their profits targets, and consider potential risks they may encounter along the way. Though some traders view intraday trading as a get-rich-quick scheme, it, in fact, requires a lot of patience, discipline, and learning. When intraday traders set achievable goals, they stay motivated despite potential challenges and avoid frustrations. 

6. Employ Risk Management Techniques

A successful day trader must understand risk management. Utilizing stop-loss orders to minimize potential losses as well to protect your capital. A common guideline is the 1% rule; do not ever risk more than 1% of your trading capital on any single trade.

7. Be Up-to-date with Market News

Significant news events can significantly impact stock prices. Staying aware of economic indicators, corporate earnings and other significant news items can help you in anticipating market movements. Financial news websites, economic calendars, and real-time news feeds are excellent resources for those who engage in intraday trading.

8. Maintain Discipline

This article has previously mentioned that intraday trading requires a lot of discipline from investors. To emphasize this point, we need to reiterate the importance of adhering to one’s trading plans! By doing so, you can avoid impulsive decisions that can lead to big losses. 

In addition to having a solid plan, traders should keep a trading journal, where they record all their trades, strategies, and results. Reviewing this journal regularly enables traders to improve their plans and strategies continuously.

Strategies for Intraday Trading

1. Scalping

This one’s for you traders with nerves of steel. Scalpers try to milk those small, quick price movements for all they’re worth by jumping in and out of trades at lightspeed – we’re talking multiple roundtrips per day.

2. Momentum Trading

Here’s a strategy tailored for the thrill-seekers – momentum traders! Your mission? Catch a big price wave just as it’s building up steam and ride that sucker until just before it crashes back to reality.

3. Breakout Trading

For the purists and technical traders out there, we’ve got breakout trading. You’ll start by locking in on those make-or-break price levels like support and resistance – the lines that must not be crossed! When a stock finally muscled through and “broke out” of one of those levels, that’s your signal to strike. The big assumption? That breakout is going to be big, and now prices will keep traveling in that direction for a while.

4. Reversal Trading

Finally, last but not least, we’ve got the contrarians – the reversal traders. You mavericks look for stocks that have gotten way too popular for their own good and are primed for a reversal back to reality. Using indicators like RSI and stochastic oscillators, you sniff out when a stock is getting overbought or oversold to a ridiculous degree. Once it shows signs of pulling a U-turn, you get in and try to ride that reversal until the excessive exuberance has been drained out.

Tools and Platforms for Intraday Trading

1. Trading Platforms

In order to execute trades effectively, it is essential that a trader chooses a reliable trading platform. Select platforms which offer real-time data, advanced charting tools and user-friendly interface. A good example of one such platform is MetaTrader.

2. Charting Software

Because technical analysis capabilities are paramount, you need tools to improve them such as charting software tools. These tools provide a wide range of technical indicators, customizable charts, and backtesting features.

3. News Feeds

Intraday traders should use real-time news feeds to stay updated on market-moving events. There are multiple sources that offer comprehensive news coverage and market analysis.

4. Copy Trading App 

Beginners can also gain experience by using copy trading apps. Since, these apps bridge the gap between experienced traders’ knowledge and yours. Hence, offering you insights into successful trading strategies and helping you learn the basics without necessarily guarding all the trades yourself. Indeed, copy trading apps have gained widespread popularity globally. You can find traders using copying trading apps in India, Japan, Europe, the middle east, and probably all other different parts of the world. 

Common Mistakes to Avoid

1. Overtrading

Some traders are led into thinking that entering too many transactions will lead to greater profits. That is when they fall into the trap of overtrading. Overtrading might result in high costs and eventually potential losses. To avoid overtrading, investors should stick to their plans and avoid undertaking unnecessary trades. 

2. Ignoring the Trend

“The trend is your friend” is a popular saying in trading. Neglecting the general market trend while actively investing against it may cause significant loss. Always consider the broader market trend before entering a trade.

3. Lack of Preparation

Entering the market without adequate preparation can lead to disastrous outcomes. You must ensure that you have a solid understanding of your chosen stocks, the market conditions, and your trading strategy before you begin trading.

4. Emotional Trading

Trading driven by emotions rather than logic and analysis can lead to poor decision-making. Fear and greed are the two biggest enemies of traders. You must maintain a disciplined approach and stick to your trading plan.


It’s time to wrap up this article so, let’s be real – intraday trading is a wild ride, but one that can really pay off if you’ve got the wits and the hustle for it. As a fresh-faced beginner, the key is laying down a solid foundation first. We’re talking about having a clear-cut trading plan that you’ve thought through and believe in. 

Doing your homework and getting prepped like a master scout before each session are important. Furthermore, when it’s game time, execute with laser-focused discipline. Start simple by focusing on a handful of stocks to really get intimate with their personalities and tendencies. Use those technical analysis skills to read the charts and indicators.

Keep risk management at the forefront so one bad trade doesn’t ruin your portfolio. Of course, stay up to date with the news and narratives driving things – you’ll want to sniff out those powerful momentum shifts before they happen.

 Intraday trading is a game of constant learning, so don’t be afraid to tinker with your strategies as you go. You must stick to those principles of preparation, discipline, and humility as a student of the markets, and you’ll be well on your way. 

Photo by Behnam Norouzi on Unsplash (Free for commercial use)

Image Published on December 17, 2021

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