5 Steps To Creating A Strong CV & Cover Letter: The Young Professional's Guide |

5 Steps To Creating A Strong CV & Cover Letter: The Young Professional’s Guide

Cover Letter

Applying for jobs can feel a bit like entering a gladiator pit – you’ve got dozens if not hundreds of other applicants vying for the same role, but only one of you can emerge victorious. So, how can you rise above the noise to ensure it’s you the employers have their eyes on? Unsurprisingly, it all comes down to a world-class CV and cover letter. Remember, these documents are your first introduction to potential employers, so making a good impression is paramount.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through 5 steps to creating a strong CV and cover letter, to increase your chances of securing an interview and landing your dream job.

1. Keep It Short & To The Point

Whether you’ve freshly graduated or are simply looking for a career change, always ensure your CV and cover letter are short and to the point. Employers go through dozens (maybe even hundreds) of applications and only spend seconds on each one. That’s why you need to be concise — by avoiding the fluff, you stand a better chance of grabbing their attention.

Aim for a one-page cover letter and a CV that’s no longer than two pages. We also recommend using a Word to PDF converter to ensure your formatting remains intact and that your application looks polished on any device.

Of course, that doesn’t mean you should omit vital details. Rather, it’s all about presenting the facts clearly. You want the few minutes an employer spends on your CV and cover letter to really count, so make full use of bullet points for employers to grasp your qualifications quickly. Similarly, keep your cover letter short and sweet: introduce yourself, state your interest in the position, and summarise what makes you the perfect candidate.

2. Tailor Your Content To The Job

Chances are you’ll be applying for more than one job, and each will differ slightly. Instead of blasting a copy-paste CV and cover letter to different employers, the smartest thing is to target your content to the job. Generic CVs are a major no-go because most can sniff them out, and you don’t want to imply that you haven’t done your homework. So use an online PDF editor to make the necessary changes before you send each one off, without needing to start from scratch again for each one.

Read the job description thoroughly, and identify which skills, experiences and qualifications the employer is seeking. This will help you identify what keywords to use in your CV and cover letter. Often, both are processed by ATS (Applicant Tracking Software) which screens the content for suitable keywords before they even get to a human eye.

In your CV, highlight your work experience and skills that directly reflect the job requirements. For example, if the job emphasises customer service skills, include specific examples and achievements from past experience. This strategy demonstrates that you’ve studied the role and possess the relevant qualifications.

Your cover letter should support your CV, going into detail and providing more context. Tell the employer why you want the role and why your background has set you up to be a perfect fit. Not only does personalising your cover letter grab attention, it also shows you’re genuinely interested in that particular role and company.

3. Highlight Achievements, Not Just Responsibilities

One big mistake that many young professionals make is focusing too much on job duties and not enough on actual, real-life achievements. Employers are much more interested in what you’ve accomplished than a list of tasks you’ve performed.

Instead of saying “Responsible for managing a team,” you could say “Successfully led a team of 20 employees, resulting in a 25% increase in productivity.” The second example sounds a lot more impressive when you quantify your work: it demonstrates your accomplishments as well as the downstream effects on the company.

You can elaborate on these achievements with more background in your cover letter and explain how they relate to the position you’re after – this helps to paint a picture of yourself as a proactive and results-oriented candidate.

4. Showcase Your Soft Skills

In addition to technical experience and skills, employers seek candidates that possess excellent soft skills. These skills aren’t specific to a particular job, but they’re incredibly important nonetheless. They include great communication, teamwork skills, problem-solving abilities and leadership qualities, among many others. Highlight them in your resume and cover letter to place yourself ahead of the competition.

In your CV, include soft skills in the work experience and skills section. For example, if you’re a pro at communication, mention times you’ve excelled with clients and presentations to stakeholders. Alternatively, if you’re the team player type, emphasise the projects where you collaborated to achieve a common goal. Providing examples is a great way to substantiate your claims.

Your cover letter is an excellent place to continue demonstrating your soft skills. This will add depth to your application and give employers a taste of your personality and work style.

5. Proofread & Get Feedback

Nothing undermines an amazing CV and cover letter more than bad grammar and typos. Not only does it look unprofessional, it sends a signal that you didn’t take the time to proofread your application. It’s a bad impression all around that might prevent you from the chance to impress in an interview.

So, always double-check your documents before hitting that ‘send’ button. Read your application out loud — this helps you catch mistakes you might miss when scanning silently. You can also use free tools like Grammarly for a final once-over. In addition to proofreading, ask others for feedback. Have friends, family or a mentor proofread your CV and cover letter. They can provide great insights and catch overlooked errors. Constructive feedback will help you refine your application and ensure it’s polished and professional.

Finally, when you think your documents are ready, take a little break before sending them out. This could be a few hours or even a few days. When you re-approach with fresh eyes, you’ll be in a far better position to spot mistakes or poorly phrased sentences you glossed over before.

As a young professional, a well-polished CV and cover letter reflect your attention to detail and commitment to presenting yourself in the best possible light. In the job-hunting landscape, they’re your golden tickets to getting noticed. Every detail counts, so take pride in your documents and use the tips and tricks we’ve shared in this guide.

The right job is out there, and with a standout CV and cover letter, it’s within your reach.

Photo by João Ferrão on Unsplash (Free for commercial use)

Image Published on October 11, 2020

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